AI Based


Marketing & Chat

Agent Services

We help you increase your profitability

by generating leads and sales through

human conversational marketing


Used by great World companies, big and small.

Who uses "chat agent services" ?

Generate Leads & Sales Automatically

While You Sleep

Click “Play” to learn more about how chat agent services works through our pre-recorded demo.

  • Run an e-commerce store?

    Use chat agent services avatar to engage with visitors and ask sales-oriented questions.

    Help guide them to what they’re looking for on your store, and then through the buying process to complete the sale.

    If your customers stop during the checkout process for any reason, your chat agent can instantly check in to see if they have any questions or need more information, etc. – reducing cart abandonments!

    You can also offer personalized instant discounts to potential buyers to get them “off the fence” to complete a valuable sale, and so much more!

    And of course, you can easily build a subscriber list from visitors who are just browsing your store, so you can get them back later via email.

    Just ask for them for their email address in return for a coupon or other promo!

  • Run a small brick-and-mortar business?

    Use chat agent services to offer cool discounts, promote timely specials, offer bonuses, and more to your visitors and customers.

    Does your business take appointments, like a hair/nail salon or a dental practice?

    Use ChatterPal to automatically take appointments via your website – saving you and your staff work and time on the phone!

    If you run a restaurant, you can use ChatterPal to invite visitors to make a reservation, order for delivery/takeout or even book a large party!

    The possibilities are simply endless!

  • Affiliate or social media marketer?

    Add chat agent services to your blogs, websites and landing pages, so you can interact with visitors and get them to click on your affiliate links or to get them on your lists!

    With our Live-link technology, you can use ChatterPal to showcase cool content on other websites for your benefit.

    Your onscreen chat agent will interact with visitors and get them to subscribe to your list or to visit an affiliate page dynamically… no landing pages or opt-in forms needed!

  • Product creator?

    Use chat agent services to interact with your sales page visitors. Ask questions, then guide your casual visitors through the process of completing the purchase.

    You can also offer them an incentive to get them on your list. So you can follow-up later with emails to close the sale and/or promote other related offers.

    Get more conversions faster, so you can increase sales and revenue - with less advertising/retargeting expense!

  • What Your Chat Agent Starts for You...

    Did you know that you do not own your customer database?

    It is your customer that owns their data. 

    If they want their data removed, you have to remove it. If they do not want you to sell their data, do you know how much that devalues your business when you go to sell?

    What you own is the relationship between you and your customer. 

    What systems do you have in place to develop and enhance those relationships?

    Schedule a complimentary strategy session to discuss your options. 

    Interact with Aaron to the right to book your complimentary strategy session.

Still have questions?

Start with Aaron to the right. He will guide you to the application or

click this link "connect to the application page".